A student studying in their high school try to thought where to apply the knowledge or what is the use or importance of the subject in real lifewhich they are studying.
Let's find it out.
In this blog we pick up the topics from your curriculum and academics and briefly discuss about it.
1) profit and loss
In school all the students come across studying about profit, loss, selling price, cost price.
In real if have to start your business or have to sell out any commodity like phones, furniture etc.which is of no useful anymore for but can be important to others so you think to sell it to others at more price or little bit at low price as compared to the price you bought from market, which includes simple fundamental of profit-loss chapter.
2) simple interest, compound interest, VAT, discount.
The concepts of simple interest can be used to take loans or give loans at a particular interest for certain time period.
After that if you have money and want to diposit in bank you should have to do it's fixed deposit i.e (F. D) because in FD compound interest is applied and your money will multiply compoundally.
Then for discount which hears to be pleasing when you go to a shop where your desirable products is being sell at discounted price which you able to calculate if you have the knowledge to calculate otherwise the shopkeeper will charge as per his demand.
3) Area, volume, surface area,perimeter
If you want to built a house or already having it and want to paint it then you should be able to calculate and understand that at which rate is the worker will charge and should be capable to think that the cost of work is under your budget or not.
4) Statistics, graph, pie charts
If you have a dream to have your own company then for its growth you have to keep check on the track records of your company then statistics, graph and pie charts helps to visualize you to think about different aspects.
Data scients, Data analytics, economists takes the help of it to give precise information about a country or a company.
5) Probability
It actually helps to thinks and take decision about anything like choosing success or failure ratio , evaluation of a stocks, mutual funds etc.
5) Brainstorming
Brainstorming sessions in your schools help a student to think critically or in other word inhace critical thinking which helps a student to take important decisions of their life at some difficult points.
6) Management, communication
During your schools teachers order students to help them to organize an event helps students to learn how manage things, commuination skills which will be very helpful to survive in this world because other than studies or to face the real world . So try to participate in your school events.
7) Networking
Networking means ability to talk with people and making friends which is helpful seek for help or take decisions .
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